Bradenton-Sarasota Congregation
June 14, 2020 Online Service
Trust the Lord
Call to Worship
I READ the words of Jesus, “Put down your nets and come.”
I HEARD the voice of Jesus: “Put down your iPad and come.”
I put it down and looked about, but silenced filled the air.
So, I picked it up and on came Netflix, and I can only stare.
I mindlessly watch to fill the void, to escape another day.
“God can wait,” I heard my thoughts, in commercials that I play.
Once again the calling came: “Put down your phone and trust.”
At that moment, I understood that to do what’s good I must.
The scary step is the first one – the one that makes you squirm.
But the love of God should be shared. And the part I play in it is firm.
So trust in God, and hear Jesus’ call. “Come and follow me.”
Put your iPad down and listen. Trust in Him. “Come and see.”
Focus Moment – One Clear Voice by Peter Cetera
Our Lord, in spite of the conditions we are living in, each of us could pause to make a long list of the things we’re thankful for and the blessings we’ve been given. Help us to be mindful of those that may not be feeling thankful and blessed and those that are feeling isolated and afraid. May we find new and creative ways to be a blessing to them and bring a Christ-like spirit to their lives.
Scripture Reading – “Take Jesus’s Hand” – Matthew 14:22-23
The disciples were out in the boat and they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water. They thought he was a ghost and Peter said, “Lord if it is You, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come”, so Peter got out of the boat and started to walk toward Jesus, then the wind began to blow and he became scared – he began to sink, and he cried, “Lord, save me.” Jesus said, “Take My hand”, and he guided him back to the boat. He said, “Ye of little faith why did you doubt?”
Message by Priest Vera Kramer
We all trust, but how strong is our trust? When we begin to sink, do we cry for Jesus’ help? As we continue our journey of spiritual awakening, we must develop that quiet trust that deepens our faith and begin to discern His will in our very being that will burn within us and lead us to LISTEN TO HIM.
Let us continue to “Get out of the boat” and trust God. SHARE THE GOOD NEWS with neighbors, co-workers and those we meet in our daily lives. We are perhaps experiencing right now the biggest challenge we have or will face as a society, we do not know what lies ahead, but if trust in our God and have love and compassion for one another, we will be blessed as families, as a church family and a country.
Disciples’ Generous Response
During the Disciples’ Generous Response we focus on aligning our purposes with God’s purposes, aligning our heart with God’s heart. Put your offering aside and bring it with you when we meet again, or mail it to Dick Kramer, or click here to use eTithing.
We all can think of times when we’ve prayed for things we desperately needed and sometimes the more desperate we are, the more we feel like we’re not getting an answer or not getting the answer we’re looking for. Many of us may feel that way right now when so many scary things are going on all over the world and right here at home. Life and death things. This song reminds us that we may not always get OUR answer.
This service was prepared by Sherry Lindgren and Vera Kramer.